The best verse in the entire Old Testament that predicts the resurrection of Jesus is Isaiah 53:10 with the phrase "He shall prolong His days" -
The key Word in that verse is "PROLONG". In Hebrew that Word is YaahRik -
Yod is one of the Hebrew letters in that Word. It appears twice, and beginning with the second Yod in that Word, there is encoded the phrase, "JESUS IS MY NAME" in Hebrew "YESHUA SHEMI" with a skip code of every 20 letters.
See Video: Isaiah 53 - Bible Code - JESUS IS MY NAME
Video: Hebrew Bible Code - Jesus is My Name - Isaiah 53 - note that this video demonstrates the code and the count of the skip -
Video: Jesus is Messiah - Hebrew Bible Code in Isaiah 53 - note that this video shows that the word "Messiah" is also encoded and the code for Messiah shares a letter (Shin) with the name of Jesus (Yeshua) - it is encoded in 4 verses, and it is demonstrated in the video.
This is Proof that it was a plan from the beginning - God planned that His Son would come and die for sinners and be raised to prove His promise to give everlasting life to all who believe.